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killerFor conferences and groups. Based on the free Flogometer critiques Ray gives on his blog, Flogging the Quill, Ray has led this participatory workshop at the Write on the Sound, and Murder in the Grove, and Mendocino Coast writers conferences.

Feedback has been consistent--both the writers whose work is critiqued and the other workshoppers both enjoy the session and learn a lot about crafting a compelling first page. There’s a lot of laughter in his workshops, too.

Workshoppers submit opening chapters ahead of time to Ray, and he covers as many of the submissions as time allows. Writers whose work is critiqued benefit from the light of many fresh eyes, including notes by the other workshoppers and Ray’s comments.

This photo, taken at the 2009 Write on the Sound conference, shows over 100 writers hard at work in Ray’s workshop.


Comments from 2009 Write on the Sound workshop

Super presentation, very useful, eye opener.

Excellent, helpful, learned a lot, well prepared & interesting speaker.

Excellent training method.

Great fun and a real demonstration of what it takes to be noticed.

Outstanding information, worth the price of admission!

Interactive, real-world exercise was very helpful.

Presenter was witty & informative.

Entertaining, informative and the energy he gave to reviews was amazing.

Excellent, powerful, useful.

Great class, interactive, bring him back.


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