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Flogging the Quill, Crafting a Novel that Sells, is distributed by AtlasBooks. Standard discounts are available, including a discount for libraries.

Marketing support: Flogging the Quill, Crafting a Novel that Sells, is promoted on this website and two versions of the Flogging the Quill blog (one on Publishers Marketplace and a mirror site). Combined, these sites receive about 9000 page hits per month.

80% of FtQ readers self-identify as unpublished writers working on novels--we’re laser-targeting the most interested audience.

We’ll promote your bookstore. We will list your bookstore on this site, with links to the listing page from the Friends of FtQ page and the book’s landing page. We’ll provide location information and, if you wish, a link to your store’s website.

The Vampire Kitty-cat Chronicles is distributed through Ingram and is a print-on-demand product. There are no returns possible, but we offer a larger discount in compensation.

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